Mexico does not want them, either

During lunch last week, I mentioned to a Mexican friend that President Andrés Lopez-Obrador is supporting President Trump by stopping the caravans from coming in. He said yes and no.  Let me explain what he is saying. Yes, it is true that the U.S. warned Mexico about people showing up at the border in the infamous caravans that made the front pages months ago.  It sure looks as though Mexico has become the immigration enforcer, or something like that. My friend also said no.  In other words, he feels that President López-Obrador is reacting to local pressures about illegal immigration. Let me translate: they don't want chaotic caravans, either. Last summer, Reforma published a poll about Mexican attitudes about caravans.  It concluded this: The poll says that 55 percent of respondents favor deportation, while 33 percent are for granting temporary asylum to the Central...(Read Full Post)
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