Our music, ourselves

Rock stars I never heard of from groups unknown to me keep dying.  Gets me to wondering when Paul McCartney or Ringo Starr is gonna kick off.  They're both older'n me, and if there's any justice in the world, they'll both go before I do.  But I'm not looking forward to that black album cover with just one Beatle left on it.  I don't even remember which album it was that had all four of their mugs, and then one day I saw it without John and George. The touchstones of my youth are going one by one.  John Lennon's been gone 40 years, longer than he was in the news and making music.  I heard about his murder on TV while in Washington, D.C.  It didn't matter that much to me at the time; his stupid politics always irritated me, and he wouldn't shut up about it.  Then George Harrison croaked, and that album cover came out.  It stayed with me.  I heard...(Read Full Post)
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