Paul Krugman's strange tweets about his hacked computer

Just today, I was speaking with a friend about QAnon.  Let me say immediately that I don't have an opinion about QAnon, so it's no use using the comments to argue one way or another on the issue.  This post is not substantively about QAnon's existence, purpose, or meaning.  Nevertheless, the QAnon discussion is still relevant to this post. For those unfamiliar with QAnon, Q is a person (or maybe a group of people) who puts up cryptic messages on online bulletin boards.  (I use the plural "boards" because a board will frequently be attacked, and Q will relocate to another.)  Some people believe that Q is a highly connected person who has deep knowledge about worldwide trends.  Others believe that Q is the equivalent of a good fortune-teller, the one who makes vague, oracular statements to which the listener attaches actual meaning.  As I said, I'm agnostic.  Leftists consider...(Read Full Post)
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