Running out of words to describe the impeachment sham

Let's see if we can get this straight. 1. Joe Biden is on videotape proudly recalling his promise (while serving as vice president of the United States) to withhold foreign aid from the Ukraine unless a Ukrainian prosecutor threatening to expose the corruption of Biden's son was promptly fired.  This is known as a quid pro quo: you get rid of the prosecutor, and you get the money.  The quid pro quo was executed: the prosecutor was fired, and the aid was released.  While Joe Biden was vice president of the United States. 2. "[T]he corruption of Biden's son" Hunter, which was at risk of exposure by the fired Ukrainian prosecutor, is irrefutable on the basis of publicly known information: he was paid more than $50K per month to sit on the board of Burisma, a position for which he had absolutely no qualifications — except his last name.  This information is not the product of anyone "digging up dirt" on a political opponent;...(Read Full Post)
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