Schiff's reaction to Trump's lawyers turns heads

Saturday's performance by Trump's defense lawyers served to enlighten the public and, of course, exasperate Adam Schiff.  He tweeted thus: After listening to the President's lawyers opening arguments, I have three observations: They don't contest the facts of Trump's scheme. They're trying to deflect, distract from, and distort the truth. And they are continuing to cover it up by blocking documents and witnesses. The "facts" of Trump's "scheme" were not only contested, but utterly deflated in the White House lawyers' two-hour presentation.  Deflecting the truth is, as articulated by the Trump defense team, a favorite pastime of Schiff and Co., in addition to their hobby of cherry-picking.  Michael Purpura pointed to the House managers' attempt to smuggle the phone call's dialogue about Javelin missile sales into their tall tale of Trump dangling the aid carrot before...(Read Full Post)
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