Schiff's very own show

Watching Adam Schiff interminably and indefatigably flapping his yap on TV over the past week or so, I couldn't help but compare him to Citizens Band (C.B.) preachers.  I think he's driven by the same desperate need for attention.  Although Schiff would never admit it, in his heart of hearts, he probably idolizes Rush Limbaugh for Rush's ability to hold an audience for hours every day with just his voice and his sheer force of personality. Although the popularity of C.B. Radio has been steadily declining for years, in almost every city or town, there are still C.B. users, usually operating from home (a "base station," with a bigger antenna and a stronger signal than a "mobile unit"), who monopolize a channel and use it to preach.  Where I live now, there's a character who seems be on the radio all the time, interminably and indefatigably quoting Scripture and conducting his own little "Bible...(Read Full Post)
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