Searching for a defining quote

As the Senate impeachment trial of President Trump begins, it is important to inoculate the proceedings from a Democrat senator coming up with a defining quote.  Each moment in American history finally settles into words that capture the event. Looking back at the proposed impeachment of President Nixon, we have the famous question asked by the late Senator Howard Baker (R-Tenn.): "What did the president know, and when did he know it?"  It was actually credited to the future senator Fred Thompson, who was his counsel at the time.  (I had a chance for a brief time to be a committee staff member for Thompson.) With respect to President Clinton there are several quotes; "It all depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is" or "we just have to win," by Dick Morris, as Clinton Inc. got into huge trouble, or my favorite: "I did not have sexual relations with that woman Monica...(Read Full Post)
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