The positive side of impeachment

Countless pundits of late have analyzed the boring nature of the impeachment proceedings.  The agony of the spectacle is clear to anyone watching or searching the visages of all forced to sit and listen in the Senate chamber.  Personally, it would be preferable to stick needles in my eyeballs than watch Adam Schiff's pretend hysterics.  Anyone under 30 years old must be wondering why he keeps quoting the old, dead, racist forefathers.  Although, the reality is that the under-30 population, along with the rest of us, have better things to do. Speaking of better things to do, perhaps there actually is something positive about this inescapable tribunal drumbeat emanating forth from our TVs, internet, and print news — it's the perfect opportunity to do some of the things we've been putting off.  That stack of unread books, that dusty old instrument under the bed, the thousand-piece jigsaw puzzle, that closet that needs...(Read Full Post)
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