This is not a warning; it is a threat

Liberals, and Democrats in particular, are great at creating false equivalencies.  Their latest attempt at this is to equate the heinous 2012 attack on U.S. facilities in Benghazi, Libya and the feckless response of Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama with the recent attack on the U.S. embassy in Baghdad and President Trump's no-nonsense response. Without replaying the whole sordid Benghazi event, suffice it to say that a coordinated, orchestrated, and deadly attack against two U.S. facilities in Benghazi claimed the lives of four U.S. personnel, including a U.S. ambassador.  The response before, during, and after the attack was shameful.  No additional security was provided to the sites prior to the attacks despite repeated pleas from the ambassador, no help was forthcoming during the attack, and there was no response after the attack other than a disgraceful press tour. Contrast this with President Trump's defense of...(Read Full Post)
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