Trump Doctrine protects US against nuclear missile threat

Late in 2019, Boeing was awarded a $265.2-million contract modification for the Ground-based Midcourse Defense anti-ballistic missile system (GMD).  This award shows a strong commitment from the federal government to upgrade and continue funding the only technology available to protect American citizens from a long-range missile attack.  The emerging threat coming from Iran shows the need for upgrading the last line of defense to a potential nuclear missile attack targeting American cities. The Trump Doctrine, as it relates to Iran, is simple. According to President Donald J. Trump, speaking on Jan. 8, 2020, "as long as I am president of the United States, Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon."  The president recognizes through his actions and words that a strong missile defense system is the last line of defense to protect American citizens on American soil if, in the future, Iran does acquire a nuclear...(Read Full Post)
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