Trump impeachment: An important distinction

The argument that the House Democrats have been pushing in favor of calling witnesses is that it will resolve a factual disagreement.  The Democrats claim that Trump withheld military aid in order to pressure Ukraine to investigate Joe Biden and his son Hunter.  The Republicans claim that the evidence shows that the Ukraine officials were never pressured and in fact did not even know that the aid had been withheld until an August 28 article in Politico revealed that a hold had been placed on the aid.  The House managers claim that if John Bolton testifies to what is alleged to be in his book, it will prove that Trump blackmailed Ukraine to start the desired investigations.  But there is a clear distinction between what the House managers are alleging and what Bolton is alleged to have written. The problem with this argument is that telling his national security adviser at some point that he is holding the aid while awaiting the start of...(Read Full Post)
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