Whom is the deal for?

The leadership of the Palestinian Authority doesn't want the deal.  These leaders retain their relevance from conflict and make their money by stealing aid.  They also have no clue how to run a successful, modern state.  Hamas doesn't want it.  It, too, wants to maintain relevance and to steal.  Hamas has also formally pledged not only to destroy Israel, but to kill every Jew on Earth.  (Call it a cheap way to curry favor on Western university campuses.)  Iran and ErdoÄŸan's Turkey don't want it because their regional ambitions require division and discord among smaller states, as well as a path to Muslim world leadership by taking on the "Zionist entity." After years of Palestinian Authority and/or Hamas misrule, it's not clear what percentage of the average Arab population living under these corrupt tyrannies really wants more of the same ad nauseam, which is what...(Read Full Post)
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