No Teleprompter Trump

Say what you will about the Donald – the man is never at a loss to express what’s churning around in that poorly coiffed skull.  It simply flows, freely and naturally, unfearful of media consequences, in a manner that is quickly captivating large numbers of American voters who are sick unto death of mealy-mouthed politicians who parse every word of spontaneous speech for fear that they may say something that the lurking media will pounce upon. 

I have been saying for years here at American Thinker that the real enemy of free speech, especially conservative speech, is the liberal media, a force so powerful and influential for only one side of the political spectrum that Republicans and conservatives have grown to fear it, while Democrats look upon it as their servile public affairs department.  Because of that hostile media environment, Republicans have become far too wary of opening up and speaking their minds, comfortable only in conveying their views and positions when leaning on a speaker’s stand and reading from a teleprompter.

For the life of me, I can’t even imagine Donald Trump using such a constraining instrument as a teleprompter.  The man is simply too freely expressive of whatever point it is that he wishes to make to be held back in his delivery by an electronic, computerized device that operates at far slower speed than Trump’s brain and mouth.  I can envision Donald trying to do so, and when he finds the instrument falling behind, yelling at it with forefinger, stabbing, “You’re fired!”

As this 2016 campaign progresses, it will be interesting to see who among the myriad Republican candidates will be able to match the fearless and refreshing spontaneity of No Teleprompter Trump.

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