Deep in the Age of Unreason

There was once an Age of Reason.  Today, we appear to be living in the Age of Unreason.  Or insanity. As I've noted in previous posts, it is exceedingly difficult today for a sane person to believe what he observes on a daily basis, whether it be Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stating that the world will end in 12 years, Nancy Pelosi demanding that Republicans in the Senate put on a "fair" trial, pundits and talking heads blithely comparing President Trump to Hitler or the devil, people being threatened with fines or job loss for "misgendering" someone, or the pronouncements that men are having their own name but a few of the absurdities now passed off as news.  Additionally, nearly every progressive policy prescription is utterly, demonstrably devoid of reason and logic. To wit: Abortion should be legal, as it's simply "a woman's choice" to do what she will with her body?  No.  She...(Read Full Post)
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