The key to Democratic victory in November!

The internet was abuzz yesterday over CNN's anchor Don Lemon, CNN contributor Wajahat Ali, and former GOP strategist Rick Wilson giggling together on air about just how stupid Trump voters really are. They are stupid, you see, because Donald Trump is a Very Bad Man. This is pretty much what passes as an argument among NPC liberals and the controlled media: Orange Man Bad. The problem is, it isn't enough. The country already knows Trump's many flaws.  It doesn't care. Trump is in a knife fight with Deep State bureaucrats (like CIA chief John Brennan and disgraced FBI director James Comey) who have been feathering their own nests for decades. Rather than joining the fray on the side of the American people, liberals and NeverTrump Republicans are clutching their pearls because Trump occasionally says curse words.  He's so, so unpresidential. The truth is, Trump won because half the voting public is tired of racist...(Read Full Post)
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